Usage Metrics

Usage Metrics

This section shows all the values related to the bot's usage metrics.

These numbers are the number of users who interacted with the bot, from which platforms, and what number of messages were sent and received.

These numbers can help recognize which of all the platforms where the bot is available is the most used by our users.

Likewise, we can have an idea of whether our bot is being used more or less by analyzing the number of users who are using it or stop using it month by month.

All metrics are interactive. That is, by passing the cursor over the graphs, we will see the values update in real time.


Let's go over these metrics in detail 👇


Active users per Platform

Shows the total number of active users in the selected time period who have passed through the bot, depending on the platform.

In the example, you can see that most of the users use the bot on WhatsApp and not on webchat.


We can see that, for example, in January 2022, of 445 total users, 416 contacted the bot through WhatsApp and only 29 did so through the webchat present on the client's website.

New users per Platform

Expresses the total number of new users who have contacted the bot in the selected period of time.

Unlike the previous parameter, this one shows how many of these users had never contacted the bot on that platform before.


As we saw in the previous graph, in January 2022 there were 416 active users on WhatsApp. What this second graph shows us is that of those 416 total users, 406 were new users. That is, they contacted the bot via WhatsApp for the first time in January 2022.

Total users per platform

It reflects the total accumulated users that have passed through the bot in the selected period of time active on a certain platform.

In this case, as of January 2022, the bot accumulated 473 active users on WhatsApp and 69 on webchat.


Messages received vs. sent

Amount of messages sent by the bot vs. those received.

There is no ideal number for this indicator, since it depends a lot on the design of the bot's experience, but in general the messages sent by the bot tend to exceed those received, which are those sent by the user.


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