Report complexity

Report complexity

There are three levels of complexity for reports for changes and Support requests, in addition to what is included in Emergencies.

You can consult each one below along with its estimated resolution time 👇



Low complexity reports:

Low complexity adjustments/changes are assumed that can be modified from the system itself, or are configuration and have little or no associated development: changing text, adding/modifying an intention or condition, modifying a simple flow.

For these reports, a resolution of up to 48 business hours is stipulated.


Medium complexity reports:

Adjustments/changes of medium complexity are assumed, those that require hours of development. For example: new simple flows, lead generation, modifications in referrals to the operator, updating some calls to an already integrated API, simple bugs in the system.

These changes or adjustments entail a Support SLA of between 48 and 96 business hours.


High complexity reports:

High complexity adjustments/changes are those that involve several hours of development.

For example: new complex flows or with integration, lead generation with integrations, changes related to the functionality of the system, new API calls.

If the available service hours are exceeded over the month, the client must approve in writing the development of said change or adjustment. It will be scheduled according to the availability of the development team.

Due to the level of complexity that these changes entail, an SLA of between 1 and 2 weeks is stipulated.

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