This is a work in progress page, translated from the HSMs (español) version

Access through the Chat-Tonic API

Sending a simple HSM

The API call has a very simple authentication system with an API key provided by Chat-Tonic, and that is sent in either the HTTP headers or querystring.

The API call receives the following parameters as a JSON in the body:

“id”: phone number, with or without a +, and complete with country code information, e.g.: +54912349876

“hsm”: it’s a JSON object where the HSM information is received. In particular there are 2 required parameters that determine the “template” to be used (namespace, and elementName), and also the “parameters” which are the values for the variables that auto-complete the template. E.g. the HSM might be something like “Welcome {variable} to our WhatsApp customer service support”. Where “{variable}” is replaced with the first value of the “parameters” array, and so on with the rest of the variables.

Inside this object you can also declare the media to send:

media = {
  from: 'URL',
  type: 'image'|'video'|'document'
  url: ''

“buttonParameter“: it’s an optional string, but mandatory only in the cases where a button of type call to action or dynamic url is on the HSM that has a variable parameter.

“flag”: it’s an optional string. The main purpose is to communicate information to the bot, for it to capture extra information that might be useful in the conversation, which otherwise would be lost in the HSM. E.g: it would be possible to receive the email of the user that is being contacted in the HSM for the bot to use that information for further purposes when the user replies to the HSM.

”agreeHSMConsent”: it’s a boolean, mandatory only for the GupShup platfrom. It provides assurance to Chat-Tonic that the client has obtained consent from the users about receiving this HSM in a previous interaction, through the bot or any other medium.

The following is an example of the API call in CURL:

curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer :appToken' \
-d '{ "id": "+54911", "hsm": { "namespace": "template_namespace", "elementName": "template_name", "parameters": [] }, "flag": "optional"}’

Sending a HSM campaign

The API call has a very simple authentication system with an API key provided by Chat-Tonic, and that is sent in either the HTTP headers or querystring.

The API call receives the following parameters as a multi-part form POST in the body, to allow sending files.

“upload”: required, the key name in which the file attachment should come in any of the supported formats

“platform”: must be sent in the querystring, states the name of the platform used to send HSMs. Must be one of the following options:

whatsapp-gupshup for GupShup

whatsapp-infobip for Infobip

whatsapp-clickatell for Clickatell

“accountId”: must be sent in the querystring, states the ID of the account being used to send the HSMs

“date”: optional to be sent in the querystring, a date time in format ISO 8601, which defines when this campaign is to be sent out. It must be a date in the future.

”agreeHSMConsent”: it’s a boolean, mandatory only for the GupShup platfrom. It provides assurance to Chat-Tonic that the client has obtained consent from the users about receiving this HSM in a previous interaction, through the bot or any other medium.

Supported file formats:

IMPORTANT: The "parameter" columns need to be sent in the order in which they are defined in the HSM. It can be blank if no parameter is necessary.

IMPORTANT: The file must have a header in row 1 with the above names.

IMPORTANT: The name of the sheet must be "campaign"

curl --X POST \
'' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer :userToken' \
--form 'upload=@"~/hsm_campaign.json"'

GET sent HSMs

To obtain the status of the HSMs sent individually or through a file, you must sent a single parameter in the querystring called query, and inside a JSON object with the field campaignId with the provided string when calling any of the above methods.

curl GET \
'{{baseUrl}}/api/v1/{{codename}}/hsm?query={"campaignId": "xxxxxxxxx"}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer :userToken' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \