In this section, you can see statistics on the management of queries by each operator.
In the example, we are looking at today's metrics.
The available values are 👇
Status: Shows the operator's status at that moment (Connected, Disconnected or Paused)
Operator: Shows the name of the operator
Profile: Shows your profile (Operator, Coordinator, Administrator)
Origin: Shows which sources of queries that person receives. You can receive all origins or some in particular.
Queries taken: Number of queries taken by that operator in the selected time period.
Closed Queries: Number of queries resolved by that operator in the selected time period.
Average query duration: Average query duration expressed in minutes.
Connected time: Amount of time that the operator was connected, expressed in minutes.
Pause time: Number of minutes that the operator was paused.
Number of responses - nps: Number of nps responses that the operator obtained.
Average nps: Average NPS score
Queries in progress: Queries that are being attended to by that operator at the time the report is being consulted.